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Ace of Aces The Life of Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker


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A good tome by H Paul Jeffers-


A great read on a truly inspiring American hero. Strongly suggested for those who have any interest in racing and aviation history. A great read for younger folks. IMO we could use an Eddie Rickenbacker hero type to step it up today in our modern world.


I'll let Captain Eddie speak for himself.


"It is not old fashioned to wave and love the flag of our country or to worship God in heaven. Let us acknowledge and be grateful for the blessings of freedom that God has given us. Let us dedicate our lives to the perpetuation of the American principles of freedom. with confidence. Let us stop and analyze ourselves to find out what life means to us.
I want nothing further in material value or personal prestige-no power, no wealth, no political plums. But I do pray that this exhortation in the name of freedom and liberty will spread to every nook and cranny of this land of ours for the benefit of future generations.
Let us therefore pray every night for the strength and guidance to inspire in others the gratitude, the love, the dedication we owe our beloved country for the sake of our posterity.
Then, and only then, can we say when the candle of life burns low-thank God, I have given my best to the land that has given me so much". Eddie V Rickenbacker - American hero.


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