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Seneca Army depot utility bag ?


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Hi all,


Here is a little nice bag i found

Stamped with Seneca army depot. A quick google let me know it was a munitions storage and linked to the Manhattan project

I think its from the late 70ties/early 80ties. If i,m wrong or even if this bag is not original let me know


Opinions are welcome and thank you



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It's a cool bag, don't see why it wouldn't be real...although it might be something made up for a specific reason on base, or was sold at the PX sort of thing.


I lived not far from Seneca Army Depot while I was in High School, and while I was in college.


It had a large stockpile of US Army nuclear weapons, I would guess tactical stuff (don't know if the Army really had Strategic type stuff) like SADAM's and nuclear artillery rounds and short range tactical missles...


The Army never confirmed of course but it was one of those worst kept secret kind of things.


The peaceniks were always having demonstrations there, and continually tried climbing the fences (personally, since it was a nuke storage base, I think the Army should have shot them off the fences when they tried).


Closed for good in 2000...it was an interesting place when it was active though...

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