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Interallied Victory Medals of WWI by Laslo v. WWI Victory Medals by Michels - Opinions, please!


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I was able to get the Interallied Victory Medals of WWI by Laslo from the library. AMAZING book! I love how he gives you the full history of how you'd be awarded/entitled to each clasp/bar, etc. Very cool!


I haven't been able to get a copy of the newer WWI Victory Medals by Michels, Jr. yet, as no library I have access to can get it yet. So . . . I am hoping that someone on here has both or has had both and can give me a nice comparison. I went through as many pages on Amazon's view as you can see, but it only shows pages that are showing and discussing makes and types of clasps/bars, etc. Does the Michels book give the history of why you would be awarded each clasp, the criteria for service required by each country for a soldier to be awarded a Victory medal, the different designers and makers of each medal, etc?


Am really hoping that someone on here has both and can give me a nice comparison! I'd like to get a book about the Victory medal, but both are pricey, so I'd like to get the best option for my interest! Thanks for any thoughts and help!



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