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Coast Guard Officer's Sword- Engraving- Help Please


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After completion of my Chief Warrant Officer Professional Development Course, at New London a couple of weeks ago, I broke down and purchased my officer's sword and belt.


I want to have it engraved with my name. How do I go about doing this? What sort of instructions should I give the person doing the work? Can a standard trophy shop do a good job do I need to have it done at a specialty engraver?



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It's sometimes difficult to find a place to engrave a plated item. If it's stainless, any trophy shop should be able to put your name on it.


Don't know where you got yours, but

Marlow White has the contract with the USCGA and includes etching on their WKC-made swords...

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I just returned from the Academy. When I bought my sword, they informed me that they could not do the engraving anymore. Also, they no longer have the contract with WKC. The swords now carried are made by "Fabrica Bermejo Toledo" which is located in Toledo, Spain. Initially, I was bitterly disappointed, but after doing some research on this company, they have been around as long(if not longer) than WKC and have a solid reputation.


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  • 1 month later...

Etching a name in a stainless steel blade is not practical because it is acid resistant. The factory etching is an industrial photo etching process that cannot not be done in the sword store. Engraving is more practical. But, in my opinion, putting a name on a sword blade is about the same as painting your name on that mint 57' Chevy, because it affects the resale value down the road. So, it will have to stay in the family. Should you become very, very famous then it will help the value.

Awhile back there was a phony Admiral Halsey sword. It had his name engraved, not acid etched. You need to that famous for your name to increase the value. But it is a personal decision.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tim,


Thanks for the reply. I am just now seeing it, so I apologize for the delay. I plan on the sword staying with the family. I earned it with my commission, so this is one item that I keep on the brag wall versus the collection room. :-)

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