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Veteran's remains


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one would never ever know that this sort of thing would go on. i thought any vet who was a patient in a vets hospital and passed would automaticly receive a proper burial. a real disgrace for any one that served to be treated in this manor. now known it will be corrected.

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one would never ever know that this sort of thing would go on. i thought any vet who was a patient in a vets hospital and passed would automaticly receive a proper burial. a real disgrace for any one that served to be treated in this manor. now known it will be corrected.



Those cans on the shelves are at the Oregon State Hospital, not a veterans hospital and I'm not sure if the total number they gave out is correct. Still it's a dark history of Oregon's past treatment of the mentally ill here (remember "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" that was about Oregon).


Coincidently I just heard today that one of Oregon's prisons which used to be a mental hospital reportedly has a sealed room with similiar remains. I think I will contact the MIAP and see if they will check into the possiblity of Vet remains lying in some dank tunnel room.

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(For some reason I couldn't edit my own post)


But to amend my earlier post:


Yes there may be 1000 or so cans of Veterans there out of a total of 3500 remains.


I just emailed the Oregon MIAP Coordinator with the above information, I will keep you posted.

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